Growing old in life __________. - CAIRE Inc.
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Contributed by Bob “Oxygen Man” Rawlins, oxygen user and consultant toCAIRE Inc. ~

Have you ever thought about this? I know I have.

Have you ever filled in the blank?

What would you say if you were asked to complete this sentence?

I think when we are younger the response may be different than as we grow older and wiser. 😊

Life is a difficult journey. When we are younger there is all kinds of stress. During your early teen and college years, lots going on. Relationships, family issues, decisions galore.

Some statistics and research you’ll read on many websites think the 20s and 40s are some of the most difficult times.

Getting married, finding the right spouse, raising kids, buying your first home, navigating career paths, etc.

Oh, and fixing that golf game. LOL

Also, we start worrying about getting old. Imagine that. Studies say we start worrying about getting old before or even around the time we are only through one third of our life! Why worry? We aren’t in control anyway.

When I was younger, I thought, I am never getting old. I may live forever. Come on, you thought that one time or another. LOL

Worry about things you can control. Planning for your retirement needs …. start early, and those things you need to do to care for your family. And, spend time looking deeper at your beliefs … your choice of faith.

For me, God is always in control. So, it takes the worrying about many things out of the way. Trust is a must!

Now, some research says the best years can be between 50-59! You are probably at your best earning potential. You have learned many life lessons up to this point.

Question? What have you done with those life lessons? Shared them? Learned from them?

I know when I was in my early 50s I really started to think about retirement a little more. I was hoping to reach 65 in the working world and retire. Travel a bit. Play some golf. Be on a beach — any beach more often.

So, have you filled in the blank yet?

Some say, growing old isn’t easy.

65 is just merely getting old today. In the 1920s, 55 was considered very old. Today its middle aged.

At 58, life was pretty good for me. Kids and family were healthy. Work was pretty good. Most of my finances were in order and looking closer and closer to that projected retirement age of 65. It was a very clear image and was something I was looking forward to but not rushing the next seven years away by any means.

Then, my journey in life took a big turn. Got seriously sick overnight … literally.

The next four years were nothing short of one of the biggest struggles ever in my life up to that point. Yeah, I might have filled in the blank with a negative word, but as I continued to learn about this new journey I began thinking in survival mode. I had kids to raise, grandchildren to see grow, and a wife to grow old with. But honestly, it was out of my hands.

I could, however, do the best I could with what I could control.

We all have life struggles and the journey some are on with lung disease is no picnic. But that is the journey.

Growing old in life allows for the accumulation of more wisdom and accomplishments in your own life and learning from the lives of others.

Everyone has a journey. How you fill in the blanks can matter.

So, here is my fill-in:

Growing old in life is a gift, a blessing.

Some never get the chance to grow old. Many are taken from life way too early for whatever reason. I was almost one of those statistics.

Even living with a very serious lung disease is difficult, but growing old is still a gift. With lots more to do and many more blessings to receive and give.

My friends, grow old, enjoy, count your blessings and spread the word on the gift of growing old.

Till next time





Love you all,

Coach Bob

Bob Rawlins, 61, of Medina, Ohio, is husband to Terese and father to their 16-year-old triplets, a soccer coach, a hospital volunteer, band dad and chaperone, and marketing guru. He uses a FreeStyle Comfort portable oxygen concentrator and a transportable oxygen concentrator for overnight travel. 

If you have been prescribed oxygen therapy, learn more about CAIRE by visiting or by calling1-877-704-0878to talk to an oxygen advisor.

The contents of this blog post are not intended to substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your physician for personalized medical advice. When using any oxygen therapy device please consult the applicable product instructions for use for product indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and detailed safety information.

