Blog - CAIRE Inc.


Advocacy is Essential in Facing a Chronic Lung Disease

Advocacy is Essential in Facing a Chronic Lung Disease

Contributed by Natalie Haglund, consultant to CAIRE Inc.~  When a person is diagnosed with a chronic lung disease or any other chronic condition, tests, appointments, treatment options, therapies, etc. are discussed and scheduled. What often is not...

Don’t Just Survive … Thrive!

Don’t Just Survive … Thrive!

Contributed by Natalie Haglund, consultant to CAIRE Inc.~  Now that we are well into a new year, I wanted to write a blog inspiring you to go forth and tackle those new year goals to move more, eat healthier, and accomplish all your heart desires....

Stay active and independent (even with lung disease)

Stay active and independent (even with lung disease)

Contributed by Natalie Haglund, consultant to CAIRE Inc.~  After I was diagnosed with an interstitial lung disease (ILD), life changed. One big adjustment for me was just getting through the day doing the usual activities most people do without...

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